Tag Archives: Barcelona

Barcelona: Mon Vínic – restaurant, wine bar and wine library

On Wednesday evening February 18 I met Joan Gómez Pallarès to discover this incredible laboratory of wine and taste sensations, certainly unique in this world, called Mon Vínic (c / Diputació 249 Barcelona – Eixample, +34-932726187) – in Catalan, “The World of Wine”. Surprisingly not very well known, despite the level of ambition of the project and the huge investment required, it is a sensational place for wine lovers, made magical by:
• its rich collection of wines, thousands of bottles from all over the world, including some very old Malaga bottles reaching back to 1795, all available for tasting or meals at prices barely above what you pay for them at a wine merchant’s, even those that have rested in the cellar for a few years (aging is free!).
• its incredible architecture all in wood, concrete and stainless steel signed Alfons Tost,
• the documentation center, a library of books and magazines about wine from around the world, with several terminals to connect to the internet or the place’s wine database.
• the extraordinary competence and kindness of its sommeliers under the leadership of César Cánovas and Isabelle Brunet,
• the creativity strongly rooted in terroir and tradition of chef Sergi De Meià, whose dishes may be enjoyed in the “culinary space”, where some forty guests can be seated at two long white tables to enjoy their meal, with wines selected for this incredible cellar by means of touch screens on tablet PCs that provide access to the cellar’s database, including photos of the labels, information on the winery, etc..
• the selection of wines by the glass or half-glass: every day fifty labels are available in the restaurant or at the wine bar for ridiculously low prices.
• the class or conference room, used as a tasting workshop space
• the wine bar, a relaxing place for tasting wine
César Cánovas in the wine library

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Barcelona: Rosal34 restaurant

Tuesday evening 17 February 2009 is the second gastronomic stop of my stay in Barcelona. Rosal34 (c/ del Roser 34, Barcelona – Poble Sec, +34-933249046) is the contemporary and refined tapas restaurant of Oscar Adelantado and chef Josep Nicolau. The restaurant is closed Sunday, Monday noon and holidays.
Sitting in this beautiful modern room, we start with a series of three tapas to share:
Tàrtar de tonyina amb soja, mostassa Antigua, ous de salmó i fulls verds – a tuna tartare with soy, mustard and salmon caviar, spicy and tasty
Mozzarella i tomàquet sec italià – mozzarella and sundried tomatoes, fairly simple and lightweight
Cecina de Lleó amb formatge Idiazàbal – dried smoked beef from the hind quarters, a delicacy from the province of León, beautiful dark red thin slices served with basque Idiazábal ewe’s cheese, which I find similar to Pecorino di Pienza.
Oscar and Eva at Rosal34

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Barcelona: Gresca Restaurant

Last week I was back in the Catalan capital for the annual Mobile World Congress. The evenings become an opportunity for magic culinary discoveries in this city so rich in food culture. Once again I am guided by the advice of my friend Joan Gómez Pallarès, linguist and author of the blog De Vinis and connoisseur of all things good in Catalonia (and elsewhere…) .
It is not easy to find a table on Monday evenings in Barcelona, but on Monday 16 February 2009 I found a table at Gresca (c/ Provença 230, Barcelona – Eixample, +34-934516193). The minimalist website does not mention opening days, but it seems that the place closes on Saturday noon and Sunday. The chef Rafael Peña presents a very interesting combination of traditional and contemporary cuisine, focused on the accuracy of the cooking and presentation rather than on molecular techniques … The beauty of the dishes is impressive, especially entries like “Anec fumaÅ£ amb llagostins “, a lobster wrapped in thin slices of smoked duck in order to imitate the shell of the crustacean, delicious and well presented. Another is the “Carpaccio de Pop amb butifarra negra “, a mosaic of white slices of octopus on a background of black pudding with a frame of herbs. For the photos I “borrowed” some images from the excellent photo-blog Encatadisimo because my Blackberry decided to empty its batteries for the day…
Carpaccio de Pop amb butifarra negra

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Barcelona : Gresca Restaurant

De retour dans la capitale catalane pour le rendez-vous annuel Mobile World Congress, le soir devient l’occasion de pérégrinations gastronomiques dans cette ville si riche en culture alimentaire. Encore une fois je me laisse guider par les conseils de mon ami Joan Gómez Pallarès, linguiste et auteur du blog De Vinis et fin connaisseur de tout ce qui est bon en Catalogne (et ailleurs…).
Le lundi est une soirée difficile même à Barcelone, mais ce lundi 16 février 2009 je trouve une table chez Gresca (c/ Provença 230, Barcelona – Eixample, +34-934516193), le site web minimaliste ne mentionne pas les jours d’ouverture, il semblerait que la fermeture soit le dimanche et le samedi midi. Le chef Rafael Peña présente une carte très intéressante conjuguant tradition et création d’auteur, plus axé sur la précision des cuissons et de la présentation que sur les techniques moléculaires… La beauté des plats est remarquable, surtout les entrées comme le “Anec fumat amb llagostins”, une langoustine enveloppée de fines tranches de canard fumé de manière à imiter la carapace du crustacé, aussi agréable en bouche que pour les yeux. Autre exemple, le « Carpaccio de Pop amb butifarra negra », vraie mosaïque de tranches blanches de poulpe sur un fond de boudin noir avec un cadre d’herbes aromatiques. Pour les photos, j’ai « emprunté » les images au excellent photo-blog de Encatadisimo, mon téléphone ayant décidé de vider ses batteries pour la journée…
Carpaccio de Pop amb butifarra negra

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Barcelona, les 4 B du bon manger

J’ai passé la semaine à Barcelone, où je participais au Mobile World Congress. J’ai pris l’occasion pour contacter le blogueur catalan Joan Gómez Pallarès, qui m’a invité pour des superbes tapas galiciennes dans une Braserìa tout près de la foire, sur le carrer Lleida. Joan est un véritable polyglotte, professeur de Grec et Latin, qui voyage fréquemment dans les meilleures régions viticoles d’Europe et publie ses rapports sur l’excellent blog DE VINIS CIBISQUE. Joan oriente ses recherches autour de sa propre variation de ce qu’en Espagne est connu comme les 3 Bs, en ajoutant une quatrième B: Bueno, Bonito, Bastante Barato. Je suis tenté d’en ajouter une cinquième: Barcelona! En effet cette ville se prête à la découverte de lieux gastronomiques qui sont à la fois bons, beaux et assez bon-marché. Les articles de Joan donnent un panorama intéressant du vin en Europe, des vins originaux qui n’apparaissent pas sur le radar de Parker…

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Barcelona, food value heaven

This past week I was in Barcelona, attending the Mobile World Congress exhibition. I looked up fellow blogger Joan Gómez Pallarès, who invited me for tremendous Galician tapas at a Braserìa right beside the fairgrounds, on the Carrer Lleida. Joan is a polyglot professor of greek and latin who travels frequently to the best wine regions of Europe and reports on his findings on his excellent blog DE VINIS CIBISQUE. Joan abides by his own variation of what in Spain is referred to as the three Bs, only he adds a fourth one: Bueno, Bonito, Bastante Barato. I would have added a fifth one: Barcelona! This city truly lends itself to finding places that are nice, good and reasonably cheap. Joan’s writing is an invaluable guide to what is truly exciting in wine in Europe, wines that are not yet on Robert Parker’s radar screen.

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