La sera dell’8 marzo 2005, il mio amico Tomaz Srsen è venuto a prendermi all’aeroporto di Ljubljana, per una serata in un’osteria tipica. Negli anni ’80 Tomaz era bassista per il più famoso gruppo rock Sloveno, oggi è critico enogastronomico, ma non ha perso il suo look di rocker. Tomaz cura una guida dei 110 migliori ristoranti Sloveni, quello scelto per stasera è uno dei migliori, la Gostilna pri Danilu a Škofja Loka, a pochi chilometri dall’aeroporto.
Une soirée en Slovénie.
Le 8 mars 2005, mon ami Tomaz Srsen est venu me chercher a l’aéroport de Ljubljana, c’etait le début d’une soirée très gourmande. Tomaz etait le bassiste du plus grand groupe rock de Slovenie il y a 20 ans, aujourd’hui il est critique oeno-gastronomique mais le look est plutôt rockeur, il édite aussi un guide des 110 meilleures tables de son pays. 110 dans un pays de 2 millions d’habitants ? Je lui rappelle que c’est l’équivalent d’une guide des 3000 meilleures adresses en France… Ce soir on va essayer une des meilleures, la Gostilna pri Danilu à Škofja Loka, à quelques kilomètres de Ljubljana.
A Night in Slovenia
On Tuesday evening the 8th of march, my friend Tomaz Srsen came to fetch me at Ljubljana airport, this was the beginning of a very tasty evening. Back in the ‘80s Tomaz used to be the bassist of Slovenia’s top rock group, today he is a wine and food critic but still looks like a bassist… he also write a guide of Slovenia’s top 110 restaurants; 110 in a country of 2 million people? It strikes me that this is the equivalent of citing the 3000 best restaurants in France. This evening we are going to one of the best, the Gostilna pri Danilu at Škofja Loka, a few kilometres outside Ljubljana.
Addio Bartolo
Dopo Luigi Veronelli, un altro grande del vino italiano se ne va lasciando un vuoto difficile da colmare, non foss’altro per l’esempio e l’irriducibile fedeltà a principi e valori di una vita.
A Te, Bartolo, dedico la mia ultima degustazione del Tuo incredibile nettare :
Barolo Docg 1998
Bartolo Mascarello – Via Roma, 15 – 12060 Barolo (CN) Tel. 0173.56125
Alcol : 14; Vitigno : Nebbiolo 100%; Bottiglia : 0,75 l
Data degustazione : 12/2004
Il Nebbiolo signori, è tutto in questo calice. Un bellissimo rosso granata integro, di limpidezza cristallina ed ottima consistenza. Ti inebria al naso con sentori di fiori rossi appassiti, piccolo frutto appena maturo (lampone, ribes rosso), su note di spezie…
March Lunch Notes from Vancouver
Lunch this month was as interesting as ever.
1998 Devil’s Lair Margaret River Chardonnay – this one fooled many of us into thinking it was something else. Bit of citrus in the nose and some vanilla, medium body and quite crisp at the end. Not exactly what you expect in an Oz Chard.
1990 Bordeaux
Notes from a very enjoyable dinner-tasting of Bordeaux of the 1990 vintage. These wines have always seemed to me to be more fruit forward and ‘Californian’ in approach, if you will, than the more classic and arguably more austere 1988 and 1989 vintages that together make up this wonderful triptych of Bordeaux.
Brunello di Montalcino Nardi
Brunello di Montalcino Docg Tenute Silvio Nardi.
Annata: 1995.
Alcol : 13,5.
Prezzo in enoteca: 28 euro.
Data degustazione : 06/03/2005
Votre vin, vous le voulez saignant ?
Le vin n’est pas un sujet de prédilection pour le polar, et la rencontre de l’un avec l’autre ne fait pas souvent d’étincelles.
D’où mon agréable surprise d’apprendre que le concours de nouvelle noire et policière organisé par l’association Horizons Noirs a cette année pour thème le vin. Plumes amatrices, le règlement est disponible ici.
Le premier prix verra sa nouvelle publiée dans le recueil Ligne Noire “spécial nouvelles” en fin 2005, aux côtés d’auteurs confirmés qui auront vinifié ce thème aussi.
Information transmise par Sylvianne et Pascal Perrat.
Tramin Nussbaumer 2003
Tramin – Cantina sociale Termeno
AA Gewurtztraminer Nussbaumer 2003
Circa E17 in enoteca
Buono ma un po’ stancante…
Springtime in California
I’m delighted and honored to have been invited by Mike, and I haven’t been very good about participating yet 🙁 Too much work, too much grey weather here, too distracted.
However – this must change! Living in the Napa/Solano area means it is easy to visit wineries outside the context of a holiday. In fact, there are many wineries I’ve driven past for years because I take them for granted. Silly me.
As spring soon explodes, it will be time to catch up with those places I’ve missed and this blog is a catalyst to share those experiences.